
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

When Real Racists Come Marching In

A Nice Day At The Park

So gyms are still closed. But parks and a few other places are open to the public now. What about let's go the park to workout, get some sun, get some fresh air and experience nature and some human nature.

Benefit of the Doubt

Now I understand that people back in the day grew up and was brought up a certain way, totally different than today.

Back then, growing up some parents taught their kids to look at, treat and to act a certain way towards non-Whites or people of color.

But the cringe worthy profanity that was coming out from this person's mouth, the threats and the racist rants -- that was hard to overlook.

Making This Public Knowledge

Here watch a short clip of what I am talking about for yourself.  She gave her permission to post it on facebook and I will share it here.

As a backgrounder, there was this person of color (this other lady she encountered was assuming that she is an Asian lady).

This "Asian" lady wearing black spandex was exercising at one of this park's several short plight of steps.

She was recording her excercise routine and then this brief encounter happens.

Let's watch it here:

Warning: contains profane language. Click on the photo or caption.

Torrance California

The last census for this city has White people at 46% of the population. Asians, 36%. Hispanics, 16%, And Blacks, 2%.

Diverse but mostly still half White. And it is not typical, but one out of every three is Asian.

Now this might be an isolated case, where this "White" lady was just pissed because some carefree immigrant  (Asian looking) lady was blocking her way.

Senior Moment?

Or it could just be a case of cabin fever or an effect of the current protests actions. Perhaps she forgot to take her meds or drink her happy juice. She might have had a moment and thought she was back in the 1950s. Whatever it is, we can give her the benefit of the doubt.

But these things I could put money on.

1. Many of this lady's family, okay some of them, think and feel the same way as her. Yes, there are more where she came from.

2. Many or some of the guys in this lady's immediate family uses violence to try to fix things.

3. She might not have done anything like this in the past* but she sure has been thinking like this, maybe for as long as she can remember. Also a chance others in her family have done worse things.

4. She made a terrorist threat -- a reportable criminal charge.

5. And she could be charged as such if the "Asian" lady so chooses to file a police report, stay there and not go back to where she presumably came from.

Let's Get Real Here

So this is how it is when real racists come marching in. They come unannounced. They have no patience. They run their mouths, use profane language, they make threats and tell people to go back to where they effing came from.

A simple "excuse me" would have prevented this. But she really had to go there. Saying out loud, "we don't want you here".

Go Back Home

It's funny, anyone who's just as rude enough as her, can say the same things back to her face.

"This land is not yours. Your forefathers grabbed it from Native Americans. You can go back to where ever you came from if you don't like it here."

Good riddance. Is this why we are in all this mess to begin with?

How deep and how widespread does her kind of thinking go?

Angry Lady Strikes Again (And Again)

*an update to this story can be seen on the link above. And yes, she has done these despicable acts mostly against Filipino-American women.

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