
Monday, April 25, 2016

Whitewashing in Hollywood

Don't look now, but there is another case of "whitewashing" in the land of #OscarsSoWhite. And yes, I agree, what else is new?

But following the controversy in the 88th Academy Awards, you would think there could have been a little effort to ease the tension in the industry.

I mean after the Chris Rock rant, after the boycotts and after years of having no Blacks nominated for any acting award, this new whitewashing case is rubbing salt to the wound.

And it really hits a little harder than normal and again, the targets are Asians.

Asian Roles Too Few and Far Between (And Still They Take Them)

Because not only is there not enough Asian roles to begin with. And when they do come, Asians are not even casted for the part.

Case in point, "The Last Airbender," a movie from 2010. Whites were casted no doubt for what should have been minorities (mostly Asians). And the sequel which may be coming up soon, would most probably have the same (White) actors and actresses, playing the same Asian parts.

The Last Airbender Cast

Fast forward to 2016, the movie "Ghost in the Shell" an adaptation of the popular Japanese manga series will have Scarlett Johansson casted in the lead role. Of course, the part should have been Japanese.

Now, what's worse, is that it was rumored the movie will use CGI and other special effects to make her "look" the part.

Johansson as Motoko Kusanagi
I mean, this is just like a quick jab at minorities in the industry. And again, Asians are affected. As in, has anybody even mentioned that there was also no Asians nominated for any acting part in the last Oscars?

And what's worse were there any Asian parts? And if there were, did they get Asians for these parts?

No Other Minorities Either

Speaking of the 88th Academty Awards, there was also no Hispanic, Pacific Islander or Native Americans either nominated for major acting awards either. But, again, let us hit the Asians. They wouldn't dare complain. And why would they? Are the Asians in the industry crazy enough to bite the hands that feed them (crumbs)?

And so again, maybe it is time that Asians finally stand up for themselves. What do you think?


Friday, April 1, 2016

Oscars So White


The Academy Awards have always been white. And this year was just another typical reason why it is so. 

Except this year, certain celebrities decided to speak their minds on this fact.


Jada Pinkett Smith, then Spike Lee spoke of or advocated for a boycott of the Oscars, because they felt that certain Black actors should have been nominated as well as a certain film.

Many other celebrities chimed in and joined the fray . Others turned a blind eye and said it's always been like that, or said they wouldn't join this boycott.

Then Chris Rock opened the show with his now famous monologue -- a dig on the boycott and the instigators, a dig on the Academy and on certain White Hollywood celebrities.

Here are excerpts from Rock's opening monologue:

"Is Hollywood racist?"

"You damn right Hollywood's racist, but it ain't the racist that you've grown accustomed to. Hollywood is sorority racist."

And he is correct.

Except with all his talk on everything about equal opportunities, yada, yada, yada then he does a 180 and cracks this joke (yes at the expense of Asians and kids to boot).

Watch Chris Rock Asian Joke @ the 88th Oscars

I mean, what's up with that?

Another comedian also cracked Asian jokes. And they weren't even funny. Except the room was so tense with all these "racist" innuendos, the predominantly white people in attendance were at a lost on how to respond to the jokes and particularly on this one on the "Yellow" race. I'm thinking, because things got so tensed up, they thought of a way to deflect all this tension. And they thought of the easiest way to do it, let us gang up on another race, one who clearly wouldn't react and get back at us.


Throughout the show, Chris Rock and other celebrities kept on talking about how there are no Blacks nominated for the acting awards. But here's a question for them -- were there any Hispanics?

And for that matter, were there Asians? Were there Native Americans? Where there Pacific Islanders nominated?

Yes, the answers are no, no, no and no. There were none.

Yes the Oscars is so white, because roles are made for white people.

The Oscars are so white, it ain't black. But it is not the other colors as well.


Chris Rock, we salute you for advocating for your fellow African Americans, but in the process you put down Asians, another fellow minority, who along with other minority groups are also being discriminated upon.

But isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black?

It's bad enough that there are no Asian-specific roles to begin, and the few and far between comes out are those for the stereotypical "Asian" roles, which non-Asians will not touch.

Of course, once in a blue moon, a major part for an Asian will appear, but the worse part is that Hollywood will still cast a non-Asian for that role.

And you wonder why Asians aren't all in, in this brouhaha.

But you know what?

Maybe it is time that Asians finally stand up for themselves.