
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Steve Harvey Tweets Apology to Offended Asian Men

On January 17th, Steve Harvey tweeted a message as his apology to anyone he offended during a particular segment on his show last week, which brought about a lot of backlash on him.

Here is what he send out:

"I offer my humblest apology for offending anyone, particularly those in the Asian community, last week. It was not my intention and the humor was not meant with any malice or disrespect whatsoever."


Okay, what happened last week?

Let's watch a clip of what he did on his show below.

Clip From the Steve Harvey Show

Okay, to many this clip will appear as just your average Black comedian trying to make money by joking around at the expense of another race. Surprisingly, some found this spiel and his innuendos funny.

In fact, this kind of comedy about the "undesirability" of Asian men, or about their masculinity or their manhood or lack thereof have been prevalent within the American culture for as far as anyone can remember.

So Steve does this same comedy routine once again. 

And yes, nobody outside of the Asian community seems to be coming up to say, enough is enough anyway. And no, Asians are not hyper sensitive or cannot take a joke. They are in fact probably among the most tolerant and patient people you'll ever meet.

But this time around guess what? Steve Harvey gets attacked back. Imagine that?

And the continued backlash forced him to issue an apology, on a tweet no less. Great, this is like breaking up by sending a text message, if you ask me. But hey, it's the thought that counts right? Or at least he apologized. What more do you people want?

Anyway, I guess it's about time that people should stand up for this attack on the manhood of a particular race. And more importantly because stereotyping an entire race is... you guessed it RACIST. It's just not right. And man, Asian men should lead this attack, no other race will anyway. 

Not all Asians are what Hollywood have typecasted them to be  -- like Chow of the Hangover movie or the same Asian dude as Dr. Ken or Rajiv of Big Band Theory. 

And no, not all Asians are like Han Lee of 2 Broke Girls. There are over a billion Chinese people and over a billion Asian Indians and over a billion other Asians, I mean 3 out of 5 people are Asian. Not all of them are Chow or Rajiv.

Works Both Ways

You see making racial jokes is a double edged sword, it should cut both ways. You cannot tell the world not to attack your race but at the same time you go all out and attack another race. I know it's easy to make racial attacks on Asians as they hardly say anything but smile back at you. 

But no, enough of this Stereotyping BS and no, enough with the Asian men are not desirable jokes.

That is just not cool. Tell them Bruce.

Let that be a warning. Stop making Asian men mad, and more importantly don't make Asian women mad.

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