
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Asian Grandmas

 Asian Hate in America is Real

If you still do not believe that some Americans are riding an ugly wave of hate and violence against Asians, for goodness' sake you are the one who needs to open your eyes!

Google Asian Grandmas 

Coast to coast, San Francisco to Hell's Kitchen, it's the same thing.

Grown men spitting on Asians, yelling "F you!", "You don't belong here!", "Go home!" and shouting Asian slurs and expletives.

Then the sucker punches, the kicks, the stumping and the beating up on tiny Asian grandmas.

Where is the outrage America?

NY to SF

And now... the latest Asian Hate Crime victim, another Asian grandma:

Calling All Grandmas

White grandmas, African American grandmas, Hispanic grandmas... are you just going to be a spectator and be like those grown men inside that building, watching, doing nothing and then even closing the door on the victim who was lying down on the pavement? They let a grown man beat up an Asian grandma, and all she was doing was minding her own business and was on her way to church.

The face of this monster is right there, no doubt that this is a hate crime. This is elder abuse, criminal threats, physical assault, attempted murder and more.


Please do not wait on a race war to happen. These racists have been hating on the Chinese people for awhile now and they have been shooting up and beating up older Koreans, Vietnamese, Japanese, Filipinas and other Chinese looking Asians.

Please do not wait for all Asians to join hands and use their martial arts skills and their rooftop sniping.

Stop trying their patience. Do not wait for Asian Martial Artists to stop teaching martial arts to non-Asians and start using it on them instead. A lot of Asians have martial arts backgrounds, but are not your typical UFC fighter. They do not fight for sport, but they will fight to defend their families and especially their moms and grandmas.

ANTS UP Asians!

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