
Saturday, August 29, 2020

Exhausted and Frustrated

The most admired woman in America for 2018 and 2019 stated that "we don't exist, and when we do exist, we exist as a threat. And that is exhausting".

We, meaning African Americans.

She is right on one thing. It is exhausting. And that is true.

So we all know that Black Lives Matter and that All Other Colors Will Not Truly Matter Until They Do.

We get that. Most people do.


But the reality is that African Americans are no more invisible than American Indians, Native Alaskans, American Samoans, American Pacific Islanders and Asian Americans.

In fact when people talk about the U.S. it is only about the Blacks and the Whites, okay also the Hispanics. Si, ellos hablar espanol. And everyone who don't understand, hates it.

Invisible too are Buddhists and to some extent Jews, as a religion.

No, African Americans are only just as invisible as those listed above. And in most cases they aren't even close to being as invisible.


Second, and this is a sweeping generalization, but bear with me, in most cases African Americans are the most visible, they are the most passionate, the most colorful, the most animated, the most vocal, they are the loudest and the proudest.

They are the best athletes in the planet. They are the best singers, among the best song writers and musicians. They are the best dancers and artists. I mean they are not invisible or as "invisible" as they think.

In fact in many cases they are the most visible.


Now she is correct when she said that when they do exist, they are a threat.

Because they are.

Make no mistake in a fight between a police officer and a more athletic African American, the officer will be messed up.

In a basketball or football game in the park, the African Americans will dominate.

In the boxing ring, more money will be on the African American fighter.

In a singing competition, the African American singers are always the ones to beat.


The real invisible people are the Asians, the Pacific Islanders, the Native Americans and the Buddhists.

The Yellows and the Reds and some of the Browns. No one talks about them. No one cares about them. No one comes to their aid when they are bullied or need help.

During riots, Asian stores get looted, no one cares.

During the height of the pandemic, Asians were bashed and assaulted, no one believes that narrative.

Asians, working mostly as nurses, doctors, caregivers and frontliners are dying due to the corona virus, no one bats an eyelash.

Don't Complain

And we hardly hear them speak up, we hardly hear them complain, we hardly hear them do anything at all. They just work and work and work. Yes, sometimes to the point of death, above and beyond.

But all colors mock them and look down on them. They are at the bottom of the color spectrum.

They are invisible, no one sees them unless to make fun of them or tell them to go back where they came from, and everyone is okay with it.

And no, there is no chance in hell that one of them will make it to the ballot as President of these "United" States.

Now that is both frustrating and exhausting. But no one's complaining. Who cares anyway?

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