
Monday, March 14, 2022

Critics Choice Awards Gags

Ken and Joel

So I happen to watch the first minutes of the Critics Choice Awards and regretted it instantly.

I have never watched an awards show in well over a decade and TV for years for that matter. But for some unfortunate reason I happen to catch the start of this one -- the opening spiel of the hosts and then the back and forth between the first presentors, comedians Ken Jeong and Joel McHale.

Those were hard to watch, as awkward, unamusing and unfunny as they come. I then got reminded why I quit watching television.


So why would Ken who is a doctor and already a known comedian stoop that low or still doing be that sort of thing?

Making fun of someone's height and one's indirect reference to Ken's ethnicity as a short Asian man and coming back to it again and again, just in case the audience couldn't or wouldn't understand is just so bad form.


I am reminded at a time when a few decades ago, the only way Asian men can get roles in Hollywood is to act and look like Hollywood's stereotypical Asian -- a short and unattractive guy who speak English badly. Yes, like Pat Morita in the Karate Kid.

Mr. Morita spoke fluent English. He was born snd educated in California and was smart and well spoken. But he couldn't get into Hollywood being who he is.

Mr. Morita is a native English Speaker, born and raised in California

Okay he can, but only if he is short and can act like an immigrant and speaks like Yoda, or someone who just got off a boat.

Pat in Happy Days

Pat in the movies

Asians should have already broken free of this stereotype by now.

Watch at your own risk, I heard from somewhere that the gags were all bad and got even worse in a few more segments.