
Saturday, September 9, 2023

Another Elderly Asian Attacked in the U.S.


Attacked infront of his home

So the assault on elderly Asians in cities across the United States is still ongoing.

This recent incident is captured on video and it happened in Chicago's Chinatown. Yes no arrests have been made, so far at least.

And no, not only was the elderly Asian victim assaulted, his car was taken. The victim uses his car to work and now he has no means of livelihood.

So here's another crime against Asians in America, but no, there is no Asian hate crimes in the U.S. No, Asians aren't being targeted. Americans love Asians.

Weird though, many of the victims are always, Asian grandmas and Asian grandpas, and yes Asians, Chinese or Chinese looking.

But if the words, "go back to your own <bleep>ing country" isn't spoken or written (and sometimes even if they are) these aren't hate crimes and no, Asian grandmas and grandpas aren't targets of crimes.
