
Saturday, February 27, 2021

Stop The Hate

Here is something everyone should all agree with.

AAPI - Asian Americans Pacific Islanders

The Hate is Real

Yes the hate on Asians and Asian Americans are real, and has been for over a century. And it has escalated significantly since 9-11 and exponentially since the pandemic.

On the Stop AAPI's website we can see incidents of hate not just towards Asians but also Pacific Islanders -- something most people ignore or do not wish to talk about but clearly can see if they only open their eyes.

[Most people cannot tell Asians apart. No, Asians are not all Chinese. And Sikhs aren't Muslim.]


Almost all of the current hate against Asians are obviously due to the C virus.

This pandemic virus, we can obviously point a finger at the World Health Organization and the Chinese Communist Party. 

But definitely not towards Asians and definitely not on the Chinese people who also suffered like the rest of us. People there lost their lives as well and many trying to tell the world about this new virus when the WHO and the CPP were trying to hide it from November 2019 to March 2020.

Coronavirus Has Nothing To Do with Asian Americans

Asian immigrants to America have to endure their share of discrimination since they first arrived here hundreds of years ago. Generations of Asian Americans have been born in America and most have not even been to China.

[And yes, did we already mention that not all Asians are Chinese?]

Stop AAPI Hate tells us 5 common sense things to do when we are seeing attacks on Asians and Pacific Islanders happening in front of us.

Ways to Help If You are Witnessing Hate Towards AAPIs

Take Action: Approach the targeted person, introduce yourself, and offer support.

Actively Listen: Ask before taking any actions and respect the targeted person’’s wishes. Monitor the situation if needed.

Ignore Attacker: Using your discretion, attempt to calm the situation by using your voice, body language, or distractions.

Accompany: If the situation escalates, invite the targeted person to join you in leaving.

Offer Emotional Support: Help the targeted person by asking how they’re feeling. Assist them in figuring out what they want to do next.

In other words, do not ignore, try to diffuse the situation, prevent  violence, be smart, use common sense, be kind, do the right thing and offer help and assistance. 

[Now when all else fails, ANTS UP Asians. The art of self defense is running in your veins. Some forget that martial arts originated in Asia, maybe it's time to remind them.]