
Saturday, June 20, 2020

Anglicize Your Name

Change Your Name Girl

A college professor got suspended for "telling" his freshman student to "anglicize" her name --or to change her first name.

Apparently, the young Vietnamese student has not even heard of this word "anglicize" before. And she got a little explanation from a local news reporter who covered her story.

Although people having been born and named outside the United States have been doing this for a long time, I can't recall of a teacher ever telling his student to do this and for the news to actually cover it.

Trickling Effect

No one would have heard anything if it wasn't for this "sensitive" situation we're in right now.

No one would have still heard of this even if it would have already happened numerous times. Which of course is true and this sort of thing still is happening today, people casually or carelessly or even routinely offending Asians. Of course a few of them aren't aware or perhaps are only trying to give some unsolicited but helpful advice.

And no one would have cared to cover this "none" story, as no one cares what Asian people think or feel or go through.

And of course, nothing would have been done to that professor, who I hope was only doing this as a "favor" to that young student and not to make fun of her even though as an educator, he should have known better or at least he should have been more tactful and more considerate.

In other words, he should have been smarter than that.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Asians Are Peace Loving

Most Asians are generally peace-loving, they are soft-spoken and let most offences go.

But don't make that fool you.

They have it in them to defend themselves. Just be glad that they choose not to.

Asian Stereotype

This is why it is not hard to see why they are on the receiving end of jokes, bullying, looting, discrimination, even assault.

Plus Hollywood has always portrayed them as unattractive, nerdy, short and pushovers.

And this has been going on for generations up to today.

Easy Targets?

This is particularly true for some of the younger generation who grew up watching UFC and they seem to think they know the moves just by being a fan. And worse, they assume that Asians who are hardly anybody in the UFC are easy targets.

Well maybe perhaps. And because normally they generally are smaller, aren't as loud, aren't as cocky and they don't even look athletic, as compared to other ethnicities.

Ignorance Is No Excuse

But the problem with that is that Asians have been into martial arts, many as a way of life for thousands of years.

So to anyone thinking otherwise...

To non-Asians, who think Asians don't know how to fight...

To those assuming Asians will not fight back if pushed to a corner...


Think twice and do not be like this guy caught on video below.

Don't find out the hard way.

And to think, this Asian did not even use anything except his right hand and doesn't appear to have been "trained" as a martial artist.

He did everything not to get into a fight. On top of that he apologized and helped his attacker up after he fell like a log.

Lesson Waiting To Be Learned The Hard Way

Some people will never learn though. They've said the same thing about Bruce Lee, well until they got hit by his side kick.

And yes, today some of the younger guys who don't know who he is or belittle him, then that is part of this problem.

Frankly, I think more of these videos just needs to go viral, to change the prevailing mentality.

If not then I dare say that more and more Asians when pushed to a corner, just might start to stand up and fight back, like this young guy.

Making their arms, fists, elbows, legs, knees and feet to do the talking might just be the only way.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Hate Crime Against Japanese

Take Two

Here it is again, after the posting of a similar note threatening Asians in San Leandro California -- telling Asians to go back home...

Less than a month after, someone is again posting the same, threatening  'we don't want you here, go home' note, this time in Torrance California.


This latest threatening note was found posted on an Asian owned store, which was selling goods from Japan.

nbclosangeles: Go back to Japan

This note has the same 'we don't want you here and go home' crap.

Not sure if this kind of thing seems funny to certain people, or if this is some sort of prank.

Or maybe if there are just so many people running around with some screws loose.

Whatever it is, police will again say that this is not a crime. Yes being racist in not a crime and expressing one's racist feelings isn't a crime as well. Yes at least if it is directed towards Asians, it's not.

Same City

Anyway the Mayor and the Chief of Police of Torrance still have their hands full trying to explain this.

Within their city at least three other Asians have been victimized. And two just from a week ago.

Same Outcome

Sadly, nothing has come out of these past "hate incidents". Why? None of it has risen to the level of a crime, suspect clearly has mental issues, excuses, eccuses, excuses. blah, blah, blah.

The worse part, we will add this latest incident and file it along with the others.

The outcome? Nothing.

Asians Always a Collateral Damage

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Lady Angry At Asians

Lights, Camera, Action

So the whole drama about this lady who recently attacked an Asian lady at a Southern California park is continuing like a real long drawn TV drama.

Only mind you, this is real life.

Police are now involved, finally, but it seems like the wheels of justice are still turning ever so slowly, if it is even.

So what do we know?

First an Asian looking lady was physically assaulted and threatened at a park. The racially filled tirade was very evident with words like go back to whatever Asian country you belong to, go home, we don't want you here. If not for this Asian lady's friend posting the video on social media, then none of this would have been out.

This incident was all recorded on video and the lady on the video is heard saying she doesn't care if you post this in facebook, blah, blah, blah and that his family will ef her up (still referring to the Asian looking lady).

Second, a middle-aged Asian man also has a video of the same lady on the same day yelling the same racially charged script now directed at him, specifically hecause he is Asian.

Reports say the verbal attack on this second victim happened at the park's parking lot where they have their cars parked side-by-side and with the Asian guy's young son sitting inside their car, hearing the lady's tirade directed at his dad.

A third woman have also since come out to say that the same lady had assaulted her at a nearby mall less than a year ago.

This third incident happened October of 2019, the victim stated that the same lady physically assaulted her, pushed her to the ground, hit her on the head and threatened her with her usual dialogue. Did I forget to mention that the victim's Asian?

Slowly, other similar accounts, some with videos and photos are coming out after previous victims have also recognized that this was unmistakenly the same lady who went off on them in the past.

A pattern? And anger and hostility towards a specific ethnic group? Well you tell me.

Mental Issues?

Okay like all TV dramas, there are always sub plots along with the twists and turns.

What is amazing again is that this is real life.

Surprisingly or not, a lot of people have gone out of their way saying just flat out that the media shouldn't be shaming this lady, that this lady clearly has mental issues, dementia or whatever other excuse, yes the same spiel, anything except the most obvious.


Behind The Scenes

The local police department has already held a news conference denying that this lady's children have any ties with their department.

They had to address this because rumors were circulating that this was the case and that another child is a police officer of a nearby city. Don't know if that other police department has issued a statement yet.

Some people have also suggested or assumed she is a senior citizen, clearly retired and of course having senior episodes or even a mental breakdown.


What We Know

The police has identified this lady in the middle of this drama as a Lena Hernandez. (Not Vickie Wible as some people have posted in social media).

She is a Long Beach resident. (Not Torrance).

She is only 54 years old. (Not 56 as being reported prior. We have to get this right, she is not an old lady. Let's not make her even more riled up as it is.).

In fact, it has also being widely circulated that she works as a manager at a Carl's Jr store. So no, it appears she might not have a mental problem after all.

No Crime

Seriously though, a case was being presented to the city attorney to determine if she could be charged with a crime. The police is asking for the public for help in this case. And no they still have not located this lady yet.

Lastly, police would not comment if all these incidents 'rise to the level of a crime'. Very much like that incident that happened in a Northern California town a few weeks back, where Asians were targeted with the same verbage.

Real life drama.

In case you are wondering, yes the police already has her name, what car she drives, her car's plate number, her address, her phone number, previous police reports against her, video evidence, her favorite restaurant, where she hangs out, how many cats she has and other information.

I don't know, but Asians need to be standing up and saying something about this.


Uodate: As expected, this lady has not been charged with anything  regarding this two latest incidents. But after public pressure, the City is now finally charging this lady who we all know by now has a strong hatred of Asians, particularly of Filipino women wtih a crime from that police report filed against her last year.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

When Real Racists Come Marching In

A Nice Day At The Park

So gyms are still closed. But parks and a few other places are open to the public now. What about let's go the park to workout, get some sun, get some fresh air and experience nature and some human nature.

Benefit of the Doubt

Now I understand that people back in the day grew up and was brought up a certain way, totally different than today.

Back then, growing up some parents taught their kids to look at, treat and to act a certain way towards non-Whites or people of color.

But the cringe worthy profanity that was coming out from this person's mouth, the threats and the racist rants -- that was hard to overlook.

Making This Public Knowledge

Here watch a short clip of what I am talking about for yourself.  She gave her permission to post it on facebook and I will share it here.

As a backgrounder, there was this person of color (this other lady she encountered was assuming that she is an Asian lady).

This "Asian" lady wearing black spandex was exercising at one of this park's several short plight of steps.

She was recording her excercise routine and then this brief encounter happens.

Let's watch it here:

Warning: contains profane language. Click on the photo or caption.

Torrance California

The last census for this city has White people at 46% of the population. Asians, 36%. Hispanics, 16%, And Blacks, 2%.

Diverse but mostly still half White. And it is not typical, but one out of every three is Asian.

Now this might be an isolated case, where this "White" lady was just pissed because some carefree immigrant  (Asian looking) lady was blocking her way.

Senior Moment?

Or it could just be a case of cabin fever or an effect of the current protests actions. Perhaps she forgot to take her meds or drink her happy juice. She might have had a moment and thought she was back in the 1950s. Whatever it is, we can give her the benefit of the doubt.

But these things I could put money on.

1. Many of this lady's family, okay some of them, think and feel the same way as her. Yes, there are more where she came from.

2. Many or some of the guys in this lady's immediate family uses violence to try to fix things.

3. She might not have done anything like this in the past* but she sure has been thinking like this, maybe for as long as she can remember. Also a chance others in her family have done worse things.

4. She made a terrorist threat -- a reportable criminal charge.

5. And she could be charged as such if the "Asian" lady so chooses to file a police report, stay there and not go back to where she presumably came from.

Let's Get Real Here

So this is how it is when real racists come marching in. They come unannounced. They have no patience. They run their mouths, use profane language, they make threats and tell people to go back to where they effing came from.

A simple "excuse me" would have prevented this. But she really had to go there. Saying out loud, "we don't want you here".

Go Back Home

It's funny, anyone who's just as rude enough as her, can say the same things back to her face.

"This land is not yours. Your forefathers grabbed it from Native Americans. You can go back to where ever you came from if you don't like it here."

Good riddance. Is this why we are in all this mess to begin with?

How deep and how widespread does her kind of thinking go?

Angry Lady Strikes Again (And Again)

*an update to this story can be seen on the link above. And yes, she has done these despicable acts mostly against Filipino-American women.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Asians Always A Collateral Damage

Immigrant Owned Stores Looted

During the start of the George Floyd protest actions, for many days several immigrant owned, mostly Asian owned business were vandalized, looted and even burned down completely.

This occurence is almost a given when people's emotions overflow after a high profile police brutality event takes place.

Easy Target?

We have seen this during the King riots, the Ferguson riots and again this latest round of riots.

And as usual, nobody protects the Asians, who are all innocent victims in all this.

It is alright because, they normally wouldn't complain or because they are insignificant?

Acceptable Collateral Damage?

Among the victims is 81 year old Iranian immigrant Ned Harounian who owns a shoe store which has been totally ransacked and damaged.

Mr. Harounian standing in front of his shoe store, trashed and ransacked

Video of a Looting

I invite anyone to watch the video below of a shoe store being looted and one of the perpetuators being interviewed. (Warning video contains profanity)

If you could say that this is acceptable. Then, I want to ask you, what has the store owner have to do with all the outrage? And why does the owner, the store's employees and their families have to suffer the consequences?

People are calling for justice, yet there is no one is talking about this injustice being done to Asians for many years.

Invisible Americans, yet always the easy target -- neglected and bullied by everyone of all colors for generations. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Who Will Take A Knee For Asian Business Owners?

[Not to be insensitive: I know taking a knee has taken a whole different meaning following the killing of George Floyd]

And no disrespect to Mr. Floyd.

But as several police chiefs and county sheriffs all over the nation are doing a Colin Kaepernick with those who are peacefully protesting...

Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Neil takes a knee in solidarity with protesters (one of several who have done so)

But the ugly truth is that no one is addressing the violence against small Asian business owners.

We have seen this happen in the past, specifically in the 1992 riots.

Today, 28 years later, another generation of looters, arsonists and opportunists are once again victimizing Asians.

A new generation of Asian business owners, immigrants with the same American dream as all others who came to America hoping to be accepted and looked upon as fellow Americans.

But in the last 100 years, who has ever stood up for them?

Asian Americans continue to experience demeaning stereotyping, prejudice, bullying, discrimination, hate crime, racial violence and property crimes. They are people of color too, just of the wrong color I guess.

But because America is fighting for injustice, it is also now time for malicious people to stop targeting Asians.

For again, mayors, governors and Police Chiefs are letting them down and leaving them to fend for themselves.

So the question again is who will take a knee for them?


Then they will just have to take up matters in to their own hands again.