
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Escalating Racial Attacks on Asian Americans

Many non-Asian Americans do not believe that there are attacks on Asians in the USA because of their race, much less that these attacks are escalating.

Not sure why.

Other minorities might even just shrug and say "welcome to the club" or something along that line.

So why is it that when Asians complain about racist attacks upon them, either no one believes, no one cares or no one listens to them.

It is because Asians are supposed to be the model minority?

It is because Asians just smile, don't complain and just take it?

It is because they are Asians and worse, that they are Chinese? Although non-Asians cannot tell Asians apart and assume all Asians are Chinese.

Anyway, for anyone still thinking it is fake news to say that attacks on Asian Americans are escalating, here's something to take a look at. San Leandro woman arrested for posting xenophobic letters on homes

Parts of one of several different notes posted on this one neighborhood says:

"You, because we consider you’re a stranger, one bad person for this country, leave, go far away, go back to your country, the place you belong,"

"Leave this place."

"You have until the day May/23/2020 Saturday 10:30 am to leave this country,”

“In this place, no Asian allowed. My Country USA."

I am thinking, if ever anybody would be writing something like this, it should only be Native Americans. And technically, Native Canadians and Mexican Americans are not even included.

But shame on anyone for even thinking this way and for those who are actually verbalizing and posting these sentiments -- serious charges should be in order.

Imagine waking up and having a notice like this posted right on your door and other notices on different areas around your community.

Yeah, it looks like the 1890s to the 1940s all over again.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Time For Asians To Stand Up For Themselves

Mellow Yellow

No one really wants to address the (yellow) elephant in the room.

No one really has, and maybe no one will... Yes, maybe unless they are yellow.

[Okay, first things first. If you aren't yellow, it is not ok to call Asians as yelllow. Only yellow people can refer to themselves as yellow.]

The Covid Effect

So this happens to a UK Asian Actor while he was shopping a few days ago...

And what he said about it was true:

'No one else in the shop spoke up for me, they just stood there in silence which is fine. But I think the key message there is that if people are being racist, you have to be outspoken and speak up for yourself because no one else will.''

So very true. Countless Asians have silently endured discrimination and racism for generations. But in recent weeks, these incidents are also silently escalating because of the pandemic.

No need to be all Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan about this though. We know many Asians can defend themselves. But as a race, have always been meek and nice.

But really, it's time that Asians realize that no one else will stand up for Asians, unless they themselves speak up. The time to just shrug it off and be quiet has not helped stop this silent injustice that's been going on for over a hundred years.

And there are many ways to do so and still be civil.

So if you are Asian and you are experiencing some form of racism, speak up. Stand up for yourself and your race.

It is time.

News Article About this incident:

Actor Jason Wong says he was racially discriminated against in a London newsagents

Op-Ed piece from CNN on how to fight back:

Covid-19 has inflamed racism against Asian-Americans. Here's how to fight back