
Sunday, March 25, 2018

Typecasting Asians

McDonalds Ad

Do you have 30 seconds to spare to watch this short commercial?

Okay, let's go ahead and watch it then.

Office Full of Kleptos Meal

Harmless Fun?

What do you think? Funny? Cool? It's alright? Okay? <Shrug>

Now whatever it is, let's just be honest here, if Paul was not an Asian guy, would you still think this ad would be funny, cool, alright or okay? In fact, would it have been aired at all?

And seriousy, would you think, this would have even been conceived in the first place, if Paul would not have been an Asian guy?


And again there are over 2 billion Asian Guys in the world, why does it seem like this same (stereotypical) Mr. Yunioshi type Asian guy look is casted.

Why not any of the other Asian guy looks -- the Daniel Kims, the Hiroyuki Sanadas, the Donnie Yens, the Bolo Yeungs, the Sharukh Khans, the Tony Jaas, the Monsour Del Rosarios and the Ian Venaracions?

Yes, but it sure wouldn't have worked for the "concept" of the ad.


Ken Jeong as Ben Chang in Community

And that is where the main issue, lies.

Asians (whether East Asians, Far East, Southeast and West Asians) just seem to be the ideal race to work with, to fill the typecasted roles of a willing bullying victim, or people who wouldn't fight back, people who would stay quiet, take the abuse and move on, or in this case, be a "happy" victim of office kleptos. And this would really be putting a whole new meaning to the term "happy meal".

But why not, right? And for sure, because Asians have taken it and rolled over for generations. But guess what? This might be "fun" for some of you, for Mcdonalds and their ad agency, but this is not right and it shouldn't be the case, and it shouldn't be the case anymore. And because no one other race will fight for Asians anyway, than Asians themselves should.

ANTS Up, Asians!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

If You're Not Black Don't Sing Black

Okay, are you having a great day so far? Yes? Do you want all that to change in say 2 minutes? Yes?

How, you may ask? Simply click the link and watch the video, below.  But a word of caution, do so at you own risk...

So Much Hate

Click here but don't say you weren't forewarned. Video will open in a new window.

Are you still there?

Did you get to finish the entire 2 minute hate filled rant?

Bruno Mars

Cultural Appropriator

So what is "cultural appropriation"? Here is what Oxford Reference has to say:

cultural appropriation

A term used to describe the taking over of creative or artistic forms, themes, or practices by one cultural group from another. It is in general used to describe Western appropriations of non‐Western or non‐white forms, and carries connotations of exploitation and dominance

Okay, Bruno Mars (born Peter Gene Bayot Hernandez), you are guilty as charged.

One, you are half Filipino (half Asian) and 1/4 Puerto Rican and 1/4 Jew. 

Two, you totally took over the Black music scene by winning a Grammy, and yes, maybe by performing in the Superbowl.

Three, dancing next to Beyonce, she totally towered over you.

Four, your songs are word for word recreations of songs written by Black artists.

Five, you have no Blacks performing and working with you and along side you on and off the stage.

Six, you totally do not give credit and pay homage to the legends of the past (Blacks and non-Black) who influenced your music, and

Seven, you are totally exploiting a minority culture, being a minority yourself. And yes passing yourself as Black, when you aren't.

Verdict: Guilty!

Punishment: you cannot and should not sing black music (whatever that means), ever.  And you should just stick with your own Filipino, Puerto Rican (Spanish), Jewish and Hawaiian Pidgin English songs, yes mainly because of the color of your skin and where you were born and grew up in.

Bruno Mars singing 
in English & Spanish

But okay, on another note, where do we line up to sign up Bruno Mars as our wedding singer?

My rant? No I don't have one. Okay, maybe just one, Asians (and Hispanics) are minorities too, and yes, they too are stereotyped,  exploited and descriminated against. And the sad part, not just by Whites, but by other minorities.... the bad part, no one else seems to care. Yes, it is really time to ANTS UP.